Boomers’ core ethic: a WORK ethic

Boomers’ core ethic, quite simply, is that they have the strongest WORK ETHIC of all the generations. Boomers express their core work ethic by —

  • Having an all work-no play attitude;
  • Following their purpose, their calling and their bliss;
  • Always looking for more quality in what they do and how they do it; and
  • Striving for perfection in all they do.


Gen Xers’ core ethic at work: a MARKET ethic

Gen Xers’ core ethic, quite simply, is that they have the strongest MARKET ETHIC of all the generations. Gen Xers express their core market ethic by —

  • Placing intense focus on the bottom-line; 
  • Following the money, opportunities, the markets; Xers are opportunists;
  • Always looking for how to do more with less; and
  • Minimizing input while maximizing value from a job, gig or business.


Millennials’ core ethic at work: a TEAM ethic

Millennials have the strongest TEAM ETHIC of all the generations. Millennials express their core team ethic by —

  • Always looking for ways to work together, to collaborate, to find the power of uniting together toward a common goal;
  • Following their team leaders and being good soldiers; 
  • Being cheerful, upbeat and optimistic as they approach projects; and 
  • Desiring collegial relationships at work — wanting peers, not rivals, at work. 


The Other One’s core ethic at work: a FAIRNESS ethic

The Other Ones have the strongest FAIRNESS ETHIC of all the generations. They express their core fairness ethic by —

  • Following their beliefs about what is fair, caring and kind;
  • Believing all perspectives have a right to be heard, especially minority voices and those outside the crushing majoritarian culture;
  • Listening empathetically and kindly; and
  • Being great mediators between disharmonious parties.